DIY ProjectsHome Decor

DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh In Your Home

4 Mins read

As the days grow longer and nature awakens from its winter slumber, it’s the perfect time to breathe new life into your home. Spring is not just a season; it’s a feeling of renewal and rejuvenation. And what better way to embrace this spirit than by embarking on some exciting do-it-yourself projects? Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just looking for some creative inspiration, I am sharing 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh in your home. 

15 DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Freshen Up with Paint:

Let’s start DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh with a fresh coat of paint. This can instantly transform any room. Choose light, airy colors like pastels or soft neutrals to create a bright and inviting atmosphere. I share how to prep your walls for paint in my post HERE. If you don’t want the work of painting a room, I share how to brighten up walls without paint that will make the room look fresh! You can find that information HERE

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Bring the Outdoors In:

DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh wouldn’t be complete without this one. Incorporate elements of nature into your decor by adding houseplants, fresh flowers, or botanical prints. Not only will they add a pop of color, but they’ll also purify the air and lift your mood. Botanical prints can be expensive but I am sharing how I get the look for a lot less with my DIY framed botanical prints. Find them HERE

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Revamp Your Furniture:

Give old furniture a new lease on life with a coat of paint or some stylish upholstery. Experiment with different patterns and textures to add personality to your pieces. I put together 15 DIY furniture makeovers to give you a ton of inspiration to start your makeover! Find them HERE

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Create a Gallery Wall:

Showcase your favorite photos, artwork, or inspirational quotes by creating a gallery wall. Mix and match frames of different shapes and sizes for an eclectic look. I am giving you all the tips on how to do a gallery wall right without the stress and pressure you may think it would be to put one together. Find those tips HERE

DIY Terrariums:

This one screams DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh! Get your hands dirty and create a mini garden with a DIY terrarium. Choose a variety of succulents, moss, and rocks to create a low-maintenance green oasis.

Upgrade Your Lighting:

Swap out old light fixtures for modern alternatives or add some string lights to create a cozy ambiance. Don’t forget to take advantage of natural light by removing heavy curtains or opting for sheer fabrics. We added battery-operated sconces to our entry this spring. It has made the biggest difference in our tiny entry. I am so impressed with these sconces that we will be putting them in other areas. You don’t need an electrical and can add light to any space in your home. See the best battery-operated sconces I found HERE

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Declutter and Organize:

Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up – it’s also about creating space for new energy to flow. Donate or recycle items you no longer need and invest in stylish storage solutions to keep clutter at bay. This is one of my favorites because it makes the biggest impact without spending a dime. If you are wondering where to start, I put together a list of 105 Things To Get Rid Of For Instant Decluttering. Find the list HERE.  

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Refresh Your Bedding:

Give your bedroom a mini makeover by updating your bedding with fresh linens, cozy throws, and decorative pillows. Choose light fabrics like cotton or linen for a breathable and comfortable feel. I did a Mini Budget Bedroom Makeover in our room. You can see it HERE. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or make major changes to refresh your home for spring. 

Add a Pop of Color:

Inject some personality into your space by adding pops of color through accessories like throw pillows, rugs, or artwork. Opt for vibrant shades that reflect the energy of spring.

DIY Wall Art:

Get creative and make your own wall art using materials like canvas, paint, fabric, or even recycled materials. Let your imagination run wild and express your unique style. I am sharing a DIY wall art idea made from scraps in the garage that can be used for any season. See that idea HERE

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Create a Cozy Nook:

Designate a corner of your home as a cozy nook where you can unwind with a good book, a cup of tea, or to create in. Add a comfortable chair, soft lighting, and some shelves for your favorite reads. I am sharing How To Transform A Closet Into An Art Nook. You can see that project HERE. It has been the best use of that space in our home. 

Upcycle Old Items:

Turn trash into treasure by upcycling old items into new and useful pieces. Whether it’s repurposing old crates into shelving or turning mason jars into candle holders, the possibilities are endless. I am sharing 15 DIY Home Decor Projects Under $20 that show you how to do simple projects that can make a big impact with little money. Find the projects HERE

DIY Herb Garden:

Bring the flavors of spring into your kitchen by creating your own herb garden. Plant herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary in pots or hanging planters for easy access while cooking.

Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

Refresh Your Front Door:

Make a good first impression by sprucing up your front door with a fresh coat of paint, a colorful wreath, or some potted plants. Add a welcoming doormat and some outdoor lighting for added curb appeal. I share how to make the easiest DIY spring wreath HERE

Create a Relaxation Space:

Carve out a dedicated space in your home where you can relax and unwind after a long day. Whether it’s a meditation corner, a cozy reading nook, or a pampering station, prioritize self-care and relaxation.

With these DIY Ideas for a Spring Refresh, you can breathe new life into your home and embrace the vibrant energy of spring. Whether you’re tackling a major renovation or simply adding a few decorative touches, the key is to have fun and let your creativity shine. So roll up your sleeves, grab your tools, and get ready to transform your space into a haven of renewal and inspiration. 

If you want to see more ideas, you can head over to my YouTube channel where I am sharing spring decorating tips! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE when you are there! I am launching new videos every week!!



Revitalize your home with 15 DIY ideas for a spring refresh! From paint upgrades to herb gardens, discover creative ways to welcome the season.

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