DIY ProjectsFurniture

Why, When, & Where Should I Flip Furniture?

4 Mins read

Flipping furniture can be done anywhere, by anyone, and for many reasons. This post will answer these questions: Why, When, & Where Should I Flip Furniture?

I share a lot of furniture makeovers here on the blog and across all of my social media channels. I have also created a furniture flipping course to help others flip furniture successfully. Whenever I share any furniture flip content, I get the same questions: Why should I flip furniture? Can I really do this? When should I flip furniture? Where should I flip furniture? These are all questions I get asked the most and today, I am going to share why, when, and where you should flip furniture. 

Flipping furniture can be done anywhere, by anyone, and for many reasons. This post will answer Why, When, & Where Should I Flip Furniture.

Why Should I Flip Furniture?

Can I really do this? I know I have the desire to do this. I know it would be fun and I can see the potential in it, but should I really do it? 

There are many reasons why people flip furniture. 

  • The thrill of the hunt

Hunting for amazing pieces to makeover and flip is part of the drive for many people. If you are someone who loves to look for pieces of furniture full of potential, than you should be flipping furniture. 

  • Good for the environment

Many people love the reuse and recycle aspect of flipping furniture. It is good for the environment. You are saving pieces from the landfill. You are also not buying new and instead repurposing a piece that has been used before. It is a green hobby and side hustle that can be great for your home, and your budget, the environment, and it can also be lucrative. 

  • Friends and family reaching out

My flipping journey started because I wanted to decorate our first home on the small budget we had. Flipping furniture was one of the ways I was able to do that. Then, family and friends started asking me to do pieces for them. If you start flipping furniture, you will have friends and family reaching out to you to do pieces for them. Guaranteed. Sometimes, people start a flipping furniture journey on accident because family and friends start reaching out. 

  • Side income

Flipping furniture is a great way to earn a side income. I know many people who start flipping for this reason alone. They want to make money for more vacations, for tuition, to add to the family income. Flipping furniture can be a lucrative side hustle and it is a great reason why people start flipping. 

  • Replace full-time income

I know people who have left teaching and nursing jobs to pursue their flipping journey full time. Replacing a full-time income and wanting to work for yourself on your own terms is another great reason why people start flipping furniture. 

  • You want to pursue a goal or dream

I have helped many people who dream about flipping furniture. They have goals they want to reach and are serious about scaling the furniture flipping business they have started. If you are ready to take this to the next level, you should be flipping furniture. 

Flipping furniture can be done anywhere, by anyone, and for many reasons. This post will answer Why, When, & Where Should I Flip Furniture.

When Should I Flip Furniture?

Flipping furniture can be done anytime! You can fit this into any schedule.

Don’t use the excuse that it is not a perfect time to start it right now because, like many things in life, there will never be a perfect time to start. START RIGHT NOW! That is the best time. Start in the capacity that you can. We can all find time to do things we want to do. Not having time is not a good excuse. We all have the time. Here are some ideas for when you should flip furniture:

  • right now!
  • after school
  • in retirement
  • during summer break
  • during naptime
  • on the weekends
  • after work
  • after dinner
  • nights

metal cabinet

Where Should I Flip Furniture?

I don’t have a space to flip furniture. That is an excuse I hear a lot as well. Another great thing about flipping furniture is that you can do it anywhere! I have never had a special workshop to flip furniture. I have flipped every piece in the areas in and outside our home as I could. You don’t need a workshop. 

Here is a list of ideas/places where you can flip furniture:

  • living room
  • garage
  • driveway
  • basement
  • kitchen
  • apartment
  • patio
  • storage room
  • yard
  • laundry room

There is no place you can’t flip furniture.

I would love to challenge you to find a place where you could not flip furniture. It truly can be done anywhere. 

Do not let these excuses be the reason you don’t start flipping furniture. There are many reasons why people start flipping furniture. There is no time like the present to start flipping furniture and lastly, you can flip furniture anywhere, you don’t need a fancy workshop. 

Do You Want To Make Money Flipping Furniture?

After twenty years of doing this, I am still picking up pieces when I can find them because I love the creative outlet, but I am now coaching other furniture flippers on how to make more money in their business. If you are someone who is looking to start and/or grow a furniture flipping business, I would love to help you. There are ways to make money in your business beyond painting a piece of furniture. Once I learned that, my business flourished. Don’t waste your time trying to figure it out on your own. 

To help other flippers, I created The Furniture Flipping Academy! The academy includes everything you need to start, grow, and/or scale a furniture flipping business. It includes courses, resources, templates, social media planner and guide, a private community, and so much more. It will ensure that you are doing the steps that will lead to success and not wasting your time on things that won’t.

You can find all the information about the Furniture Flipping Academy HERE.

Let’s get your business started and/or moving in the right direction. The Furniture Flipping Academy is for any flipper, from beginner to experienced. If your business is stagnant, there is a reason for that. Let me help you grow it into a flipping career that is profitable and fits the lifestyle you want to live.


Flipping furniture can be done anywhere, by anyone, and for many reasons. This post will answer Why, When, & Where Should I Flip Furniture.

If you liked this post, you will also find these posts helpful:

How To Choose Your First Piece Of Furniture To Flip

11 Things To Know Before You Start Flipping Furniture

Furniture Pieces That Are Great For Flipping

How To Repair Wooden Furniture


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