FurnitureFurniture FlippingTips

Tips For Partnering With Brands As A Furniture Flipper

3 Mins read

Are you a furniture flipper looking to partner with brands to take your business to the next level? Collaborating with brands can help you reach a wider audience, gain credibility, and earn more money. However, it can be challenging to navigate the world of brand partnerships. In this blog post, I will provide you with tips for partnering with brands as a furniture flipper. Grab your notebook and be ready to take some notes.

I have also linked my YouTube video below. In this video, I talk more in-depth about this topic with even more tips about how to reach out and work with brands the right way. Make sure to click that link at the bottom of this post. 

Are you a furniture flipper wanting to earn passive income? These tips for partnering with brands as a furniture flipper will show you how!

Tips For Partnering With Brands As A Furniture Flipper

  • Establish Your Brand Identity

Before reaching out to brands, it’s important to establish your brand identity. What makes you unique? What are your values? Do you specialize in a certain type of furniture? These are just a few questions you should ask yourself when creating your brand identity. Once you have a clear understanding of who you are as a brand, you can start reaching out to brands that align with your values and aesthetic.

  • Build a Strong Online Presence

Brands are more likely to partner with furniture flippers who have a strong online presence. This includes having a professional website, active social media accounts, and/or a portfolio showcasing your work. Make sure your online presence accurately represents your brand identity and showcases your furniture flipping skills.

  • Reach Out to Brands That Align With Your Values

When reaching out to brands, it’s important to choose ones that align with your brand and your values. For example, if you’re passionate about sustainability, look for brands that prioritize eco-friendly materials and practices. By partnering with brands that share your values, you’ll build a stronger connection and create more impactful collaborations.

  • Be Professional and Transparent

When partnering with brands as a furniture flipper, it’s important to maintain a professional and transparent relationship. This includes setting clear expectations, communicating effectively, and meeting deadlines. Be honest about your capabilities and limitations, and don’t overpromise. Building trust with brands can lead to long-lasting partnerships and future collaborations.

  • Create Unique and Engaging Content

Brands are looking for furniture flippers who can create unique and engaging content that showcases their products in a positive light. Take the time to brainstorm creative content ideas that align with your brand identity and the brand’s values. This could include tutorials, before-and-after transformations, or styled photo shoots. The more creative and engaging your content, the more likely brands will want to work with you.

In conclusion, partnering with brands can help furniture flippers take their business to the next level. By establishing your brand identity, building a strong online presence, reaching out to brands that align with your values, being professional and transparent, and creating unique and engaging content, you can create successful brand partnerships that benefit both you and the brand.

This topic is one of my favorites to teach other flippers. I put together a YouTube video where I go more in-depth about this topic. I tell you how to reach out to brands the right way, where to find the right contacts to reach out to, and the wording to use when you reach out to them. You can find that video HERE.

Do You Want To Make Money Flipping Furniture?

After twenty years of doing this, I am still picking up pieces when I can find them because I love the creative outlet, but I am now coaching other furniture flippers on how to make more money in their business. If you are someone who is looking to start and/or grow a furniture flipping business, I would love to help you. There are ways to make money in your business beyond painting a piece of furniture. Once I learned that, my business flourished. Don’t waste your time trying to figure it out on your own. 

To help other flippers, I created The Furniture Flipping Academy! The academy includes everything you need to start, grow, and/or scale a furniture flipping business. It includes courses, resources, templates, social media planner and guide, a private community, and so much more. It will ensure that you are doing the steps that will lead to success and not wasting your time on things that won’t.

You can find all the information about the Furniture Flipping Academy HERE.

Let’s get your business started and/or moving in the right direction. The Furniture Flipping Academy is for any flipper, from beginner to experienced. If your business is stagnant, there is a reason for that. Let me help you grow it into a flipping career that is profitable and fits the lifestyle you want to live.


Are you a furniture flipper wanting to earn passive income? These tips for partnering with brands as a furniture flipper will show you how!

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