Furniture FlippingTips

The Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner

6 Mins read

. Are you a furniture flipper looking for a planner that understands your business? If so, this Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner was made for you.

I have been flipping furniture for more than twenty years and I have NEVER found a planner that works for what actually happens in a furniture flipping business.

If you’re a furniture flipper, you know the excitement of finding a diamond in the rough at a thrift store or garage sale. But after the thrill of the hunt comes the hard work of transforming that piece into something beautiful and profitable. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, having a solid plan in place can make all the difference in your success as a furniture flipper.

That’s where a furniture flipping planner comes in. But not just any planner will do. You need one that is specifically designed for your business, with features and tools that will help you stay organized, track your progress, and ultimately increase your profits. 

Are you a furniture flipper looking for a planner that understands your business? If so, this Furniture Flipper's Business Planner was made for you.

The Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner

Let’s explore the key elements that are included in this furniture flipping planner. 

  • Define Your Goals

In the furniture flipping business, goals play a crucial role in ensuring profitability and success. Setting goals helps identify the types of furniture to focus on, the profit margins to achieve, and the timeframe in which to complete projects. This can help to reduce the risk of over-investing in items that may not sell. It will also ensure you aren’t taking on projects that are outside your skill level. Goals also help flippers to track progress and assess the effectiveness of strategies.

By analyzing results, flippers can identify areas where they need to improve. Then, they can make the necessary adjustments to ensure goals are met. Additionally, setting goals can help flippers stay motivated and focused, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. 

  • Expense Trackers

Keeping accurate expense records is crucial for success in the furniture flipping business. Flippers need to track all expenses related to acquiring and transforming furniture pieces. This includes the cost of materials, tools, and equipment. It also includes fees associated with advertising and selling products. By maintaining detailed records of expenses, flippers can calculate their profit margins more accurately. They can also make informed decisions about pricing and budgeting for future projects.

Additionally, expense records help flippers to identify areas where they may be overspending or wasting money. This allows them to make necessary adjustments to increase their profits. Furthermore, having organized expense records is essential for tax purposes. It can save flippers time and money when filing their taxes. 

Are you a furniture flipper looking for a planner that understands your business? If so, this Furniture Flipper's Business Planner was made for you.

  • Weekly/Monthly Calendars

Calendars are an essential tool in the furniture flipping business. They help flippers to manage their time effectively. With many different projects to juggle simultaneously, it can be easy for flippers to lose track of deadlines. By using a calendar, flippers can schedule their work and plan their time more efficiently. This ensures that they meet their commitments and deliver high-quality results on time.

Additionally, calendars can help flippers to prioritize their tasks and allocate their time and resources effectively. By visualizing their workload and identifying potential conflicts, flippers can adjust their schedules, and avoid taking on more than they can handle. Furthermore, using a calendar can help flippers to build a strong reputation for reliability and professionalism. It helps them meet deadlines consistently and deliver on their promises. 

  • Project Records

Project records are a critical component of the furniture flipping business. They help flippers to keep track of their progress and ensure that each project is completed to a high standard. By maintaining detailed records of each project (including before-and-after photos, materials used, and any challenges or successes encountered) flippers can evaluate their techniques and identify opportunities for improvement. This can help to increase their efficiency and productivity, reduce waste and costs, and ensure consistent quality across all projects.

Additionally, project records can help flippers to build a portfolio of their work, which can be used to showcase their skills and attract potential clients or customers. Moreover, project records can be used to communicate with clients and customers, providing transparency and reassurance about the work that has been completed. Finally, project records can be used to inform pricing decisions, helping flippers to accurately estimate the time and resources required for future projects. 


  • Mileage Trackers

A mileage tracker is an important tool for anyone running a furniture flipping business, as it helps to accurately record the distance traveled for business purposes. Flippers often need to travel to various locations to acquire furniture pieces or deliver finished products to customers, and tracking their mileage is essential for accurate expense tracking and tax purposes. A mileage tracker helps flippers to keep an accurate record of their business-related travel, reducing the risk of inaccuracies or errors when filing taxes.

Additionally, a mileage tracker can help flippers to optimize their routes and reduce unnecessary travel, saving time and fuel costs. Furthermore, a mileage tracker provides flippers with the data they need to make informed decisions about the profitability of their business. By analyzing their mileage records, flippers can identify areas where they may be overspending on travel or find opportunities to reduce costs and increase profits. 

  • Receipts

The Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner also has receipts. In the furniture flipping business, receipts are a crucial component of managing expenses and tracking profits. Flippers need to keep accurate records of all expenses related to acquiring and transforming furniture pieces. This includes the cost of materials, tools, and equipment. Receipts provide proof of these expenses and can be used to calculate profit margins more accurately.

Additionally, receipts are essential for tax purposes and can be used to support deductions and reduce the risk of an audit. Without receipts, it can be difficult for flippers to verify their expenses and accurately track their profits. This can lead to financial instability and potential legal issues. Moreover, receipts can help flippers to identify areas where they may be overspending or find opportunities to reduce costs and increase profits. By maintaining organized and detailed records of all receipts, flippers can create a more efficient and sustainable business model. This will increase the chances of success in the highly competitive furniture flipping market.

  • Restock Tracker

A restock tracker is a valuable tool for anyone running a furniture flipping business. It helps to manage inventory and ensure that essential supplies are always in stock. Flippers need to keep track of their inventory levels, such as paints, stains, hardware, and other materials, This ensures that they can complete projects on time and deliver high-quality results to their customers. By using a restock tracker, flippers can identify when their inventory is running low and reorder supplies in advance. This reduces the risk of delays or disruptions to their business operations.

Additionally, a restock tracker can help flippers optimize their supply chain. This is done by identifying suppliers with the best prices and delivery times. Moreover, a restock tracker can provide valuable insights into the popularity of different materials or products. This helps flippers adjust their inventory levels and pricing strategies accordingly. 

  • Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner also includes Recaps, Reviews & More



Download The Furniture Flipper’s Business Planner HERE

A furniture flipping planner can be an invaluable tool for any business in this industry. By helping you stay organized, track your progress, and ultimately increase your profits, a good planner can make all the difference in your success as a furniture flipper.

When choosing a planner, be sure to look for one that is specifically designed for your business and offers features and tools that will meet your unique needs. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been flipping furniture for years, a well-designed planner can help you take your business to the next level.

So, take the time to find the right planner for you and get ready to see the benefits in your bottom line. Happy flipping!

Do You Want To Make More Money Flipping Furniture?

After twenty years of doing this, I am still picking up pieces when I can find them. But, I am spending most of my time coaching other furniture flippers on how to make more money in their business. If you are someone who is looking to start and/or grow a furniture flipping business, I would love to help you. There are ways to make money in your business that don’t even include painting a piece of furniture. Once I learned that my business flourished. Don’t waste your time trying to figure it out on your own. 

I also have a community for furniture flippers where I offer one-on-one monthly coaching for the business. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, that would be a great fit for you. You can find more information about that HERE.

I want to help you get your business started and/or moving in the right direction. If your business is stagnant, there is a reason for that. Let me help you grow it into a flipping career that is profitable and fits the lifestyle you want to live.


Are you a furniture flipper looking for a planner that understands your business? If so, this Furniture Flipper's Business Planner was made for you.

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