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The One Reason I Love Living In A Small Home

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This blog has been a great platform to share the ways I decorate and creatively use space in our small home. I know that tiny home living is all the rage right now and even though we don’t live in a “tiny home” per se, living small, within our means and making it a space we love to be in is a passion of mine.

Living in a small home does not have to be a negative thing. We love living in a small home for many reasons, but there is one reason that is above all others. Click over to see if you agree.

When Stacy asked me to join this Small House Tour, I was very excited. I think so many people put too much emphasis on having more, living large and keeping up with whoever their “Joneses” are. Life is too short to keep chasing after something that will not make you happier. Enjoy where you are right now and find the positive in the space you are in.

For me, there is one reason why I love living in a smaller home.


That may sound funny, but there are so many ways that living in a smaller home gives us freedom.

Freedom from a lot of debt.

It goes without saying that living in a smaller home costs less. Our mortgage payment is smaller and the utilities cost less every month, but one thing that was important to us was that the taxes and insurance be low. Matt and I moved into this home thirteen years ago. After we bought our first home and saw how much we were paying in interest over the 30-year mortgage plan, we made some major decisions and changes when we bought this house.

We are set to pay off our mortgage very soon and after we do, we will not be paying an arm and a leg in taxes and insurance every month. What is the point of working your tail off to pay your mortgage off and then still have a tax and insurance payment every month that is as high as a mortgage payment?

Living in a small home does not have to be a negative thing. We love living in a small home for many reasons, but there is one reason that is above all others. Click over to see if you agree.

Freedom with time.

Now, don’t get me wrong……. I wish there were more hours in the day and more days in a weekend so I could get more done, but living small means that I am not spending a ton of time cleaning a big home or maintaining a huge yard. Living small is easier to take care of all around which in return, gives us more freedom to do the things we want to do.

Living in a small home does not have to be a negative thing. We love living in a small home for many reasons, but there is one reason that is above all others. Click over to see if you agree.

Freedom to spend more time together.

Living in a smaller home means were are together a lot. Not that you aren’t together in a bigger home, but in a smaller home, no matter what room you are in, your family is always very close by. Our kids are still young so I wouldn’t want it any other way. I can’t imagine all the great conversations I would have missed out on with my kids if we all had our own bathrooms.

Some of our best talks happen around the bathroom sink getting ready in the morning. I wouldn’t trade that for a master bathroom any day (at least while they are still young).

Living in a small home does not have to be a negative thing. We love living in a small home for many reasons, but there is one reason that is above all others. Click over to see if you agree.

Freedom of clutter.

This is a big one for me. I have a OCD issue with cleanling and being organized. Having a clean and organized home is important to me. I also love decorating and redecorating all the time. Living in a small home makes us keep only the things we love and use and get rid of anything else. I can’t hoard a bunch of things in our small home. We don’t have the space for it. Smaller spaces keep me purging and reorganizing on a regular basis.


Freedom to be creative.

This is another big one for me. I would be very bored and not very happy if I weren’t creative. I thrive on it. Living in this home challenges my creativity all the time. I am also looking for creative ways to live better in the space we have. This blog was started on a lot of those ideas and has only expanded from there.

living room

Freedom to experiment.

In a smaller home, a makeover doesn’t cost a ton of money. Our rooms are small so even an entire room makeover doesn’t cost as much as a bigger home would. Since I have a tendency to change things up a lot and like to experiment with new things, I can do it in a smaller home more often.

Freedom to live cozy.

Living small is cozy. Rooms are smaller. Furniture is smaller. Everything about it lends to a more cozy feeling and atmosphere. One that embraces you and makes you feel at home.



Do you live in a smaller home? What are your favorite things about living small?


Living in a small home does not have to be a negative thing. We love living in a small home for many reasons, but there is one reason that is above all others. Click over to see if you agree.

Make sure to check out all these other small home tours from these amazing bloggers:



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