
Embrace The Mess – From A Cleanoholic

4 Mins read

I want to thank Bona for partnering with me to embrace the mess. All opinions are my own. 

A couple of months ago, I shared a post about easy tips to deep clean your home this winter. Now that we are heading into spring, I am wanting to clean and organize even more. We have had the worst winter, so now that the temps are warming up and the sunshine is out, I am motivated more than ever to clean and get things in order this spring. There is something I have mentioned on Facebook and Instagram before, but I can’t remember if I have shared it here. I am a recovering cleanoholic. 

I don’t know if this is an actual thing, but for me, it is. And, I have to believe that I am not the only person who struggles with it. Over the last couple of years, I have learned ways to embrace the mess and not get so stressed about messes in our home or messes the kids make during the day.

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to embrace the mess and be grateful for what it is.

Ever since I can remember, I have been obsessed with having things tidy and clean in my spaces. When I was growing up, cleaning and organizing my bedroom was fun to me. I would clean, organize and decorate my bedroom weekly. 

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to embrace the mess and be grateful for what it is.

Fast forward to Matt and I buying our first house and the cleaning, organizing and decorating continued. We were in our first house for only a couple of years and once we moved into the house we are in now, things went to a new level. This house was a lot bigger and I knew we were going to stay here longer so I couldn’t wait to get started making it our own. Landen was born a few years later and cleaning became a daily thing. 

Cleaning used to be something I would do so I could get other things done. I couldn’t concentrate on other things I needed to get done if the house wasn’t cleaned. I couldn’t embrace the mess. It was something that started effecting my productivity and I had to reel it in and take control of it.

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to be thankful for the mess for what it is.

Embrace The Mess

A few years ago, I realized a few things. First, the older you get, the wiser you get. I also came to terms with knowing that the messes are always going to be there. There will always be a mess to pick up, laundry to do and floors to clean. If you are living in your home, there will always be a mess to clean up. I also realized that time is moving way too fast and our kids are growing up so quickly that I need to enjoy this messy season and embrace the mess.  

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to be grateful for what it is.

I know that I will miss the fingerprints on the walls when the kids are grown and out of the house. All the laundry will be missed. I will wish for wet snow boots at the back door and I will yearn to have so many dirty dishes in a day that I need to run the dishwasher twice. This time are flying by and even though the messes are constant, I am embracing them.

I am thankful for the children we were blessed with who create messes while they learn, create and play. Their messes are a blessing and something I am going to miss when they aren’t making them anymore. 

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to be grateful for what it is.

{Affiliate links are used in this post. You can read my disclosure HERE.}

Another thing I have learned quickly is that if I have the right tools to get the job done efficiently and quickly, my cleaning routine is a lot faster and more enjoyable. The Bona Premium Spray Mop has been a game changer for me. I have always been someone who cleans all our floors on my hands and knees because I felt like that was the way the floors would get cleaned best. Not anymore! The Bona Premium Spray Mop has made all the difference.

Bona has a cleaner for both hardwood floors and laminate/tile floors. I love that because we have both in our house and I always want to use the right cleaner for each flooring. The cleaning cartridge fits right on the mop. All you have to do is put the pad on the bottom of the mop, pop the cartridge on the front and the mop is ready to go. There is a trigger on the handle of the mop that you squeeze to release the cleaner and then you push the mop around your floors! The base plate of the mop is the largest in the industry! It is 16.75″ so I am able to clean more surface area in one swipe. Knowing that the cleaning process is a lot easier, helps me embrace the mess. 

I can have all of our hardwood floors cleaned in no time with this mop and then, I switch out the cartridge to clean the laminate floors in our back porch, kitchen and teen room in the basement. I can’t tell you how much I love this mop and how easy it is to use and how well it works. If you are looking for a great mop to get your cleaning done, GET THIS MOP! You will be so happy you did and the price is amazing too. 

If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to be thankful for the mess for what it is.

I have learned that the messes aren’t going anywhere, but my kids and time with them are. They aren’t going to be home forever so I need to soak up this time with them. I am still cleaning, but now, I am smarter about it and not obsessive about it. The right tools get the job done quickly and effectively.

I am so much happier. The kids are still dragging in mud, dirt and spilling messes that I am thankful to be cleaning up. They do clean up after themselves but those times when I find a fingerprint on the wall or mud on the floor, I don’t obsess over it. Now, I see it for what it is. I embrace this part of having kids that I know will be missed when they are grown and gone. 


If you stress about the messes in your home, from one cleanohilic to another, I want to challenge you to embrace the mess and be grateful for what it is.

If you liked this post, see how my friends are embracing the messes in their homes:

Salvaged Living

Seeking Lavender Lane

At Home With The Barkers

Twelve On Main



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